Caucus News

Senator Scott Wiener

Leno Bill Requires Disclosure of Toxic Chemicals in Children’s Products

March 10, 2015

SB 763 Informs Consumers about Flame Retardant Chemicals in High Chairs, Changing Pads, Baby Carriers, Nap Mats and Other Popular Products

Cathleen Galgiani

Federal Court motion filed to allow Senator Galgiani Access to Sealed Documents regarding Missing Persons Records in the Speed Freak Killers Case

March 9, 2015

“It has come to my attention that missing persons records from the related Speed Freak Killers case were deleted by the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office.  This means the ability to identify victims was removed from State and Federal databases, making it impossible for families of missing loved ones to ever have answers.  I have serious questions about why the records were deleted.  I have always believed that the role of law enforcement is to protect and serve, not to remove and destroy evidence. 

Senator Richard D. Roth

Senator Roth to Chair Oversight Hearing on State Compensation Insurance Fund

March 9, 2015

Senator Richard D. Roth (D-Riverside) will chair an Oversight Hearing of the Senate Insurance Committee on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, on the State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF).

Established by the Legislature in 1914 and regulated by the California Department of Insurance (CDI), SCIF now boasts more than 135,000 policyholders, more than $1.4 billion in annual premiums and nearly $20 billion in assets.  As California’s largest provider of workers’ compensation insurance, SCIF is a self-supporting, non-profit enterprise.

Senator Nancy Skinner


March 7, 2015

Sacramento – Senator Loni Hancock, Chair of the Senate Committee on Public Safety, late Friday filed a legal brief supporting the elimination of California’s death penalty.  The brief was filed on behalf of Ernest Dewayne Jones, who last year had his death sentence overturned by Federal District Court Judge Cormac Carney.


Senator Henry Stern

Ensuring Groundwater Protection Is the Underground Injection Control Program Working?

March 6, 2015

SACRAMENTO — Since July 2014, an ongoing review of oil and gas injection wells has resulted in the closure of 23 wells due to oil-field wastewater being improperly injected into groundwater used or suitable for drinking and irrigation. These wells—and thousands of other oil and gas injection wells primarily located in Kern County—are regulated by the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) under an agreement with the U.S. EPA to run what is known as the “Class II” Underground Injection Control well program.

Bob Wieckowski

Threat to groundwater posed by improperly sited oil injection wells to be explored at Senate oversight hearing

March 6, 2015

Sacramento – Sen. Bob Wieckowski and Sen. Fran Pavley will co-chair a joint oversight hearing of the Senate Environmental Quality, and Natural Resources and Water committees Tuesday to focus on groundwater protection in the wake of acknowledgements that several oil and gas-related injected wells were improperly sited and pose a risk of contaminating quality groundwater used for drinking water and agricultural purposes.

Senator Henry Stern

Senator Fran Pavley and Assemblymember Das Williams Issue a Joint Letter to State Regulatory Agencies About the Disposal of Oil and Gas Wastewaters Into Illegal Unlined Pits

March 6, 2015

SACRAMENTO — On March 3, 2015, Senator Fran Pavley, chair of the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee, and Assemblymember Das Williams, chair of the Assembly Natural Resources Committee, sent a joint letter to the chair of the State Water Resources Control Board and the supervisor of the Division of Oil, Gas, and Geothermal Resources (DOGGR) expressing their concerns about the recent revelation that hundreds of unlined, open-air, oil and gas wastewater pits in California are operating without adequate permits.

Bob Wieckowski

Wieckowski bill targets unscrupulous debt-buyer practices

March 6, 2015

Sacramento – State Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont) is seeking to protect consumers from unscrupulous debt-buyer practices by closing a loophole in existing law that prevents consumers from challenging the validity of a default judgment in court once the debt is older than two years, even if they don’t owe the money.  
SB 641 would allow consumers, in limited circumstances, the opportunity to file a motion to set aside a default judgment over two years after it has been entered.

Media Event - Woman of the Year Awardees for 32nd Senate District to be Honored at Community Event

March 5, 2015

To celebrate Women’s History month, Senator Tony Mendoza (D-Artesia) will recognize eight distinguished women from the 32nd Senate District who are making a difference in the community. Congresswoman Linda Sanchez will give the keynote address.

Senator Scott Wiener

Bill Requires Equal Medical Coverage and Benefits for Transgender Employees of State Contractors

March 5, 2015

SACRAMENTO – A new bill introduced by Senator Mark Leno would prohibit state agencies from doing business with companies that fail to offer transgender employees the same health care coverage and benefits they provide all other workers. Senate Bill 703 builds on existing California law that requires gender nondiscrimination in employee benefits. Specifically, it prohibits a state agency from entering into a contract in the amount of $100,000 or more with any company that does not offer equal benefits based on an employee’s gender identity.