SB 581
Fight For Firefighters Act Of 2025
(Senate President pro Tempore McGuire and Senators Grayson, Allen and Pérez )
Transitions all 3,000/9 month seasonalCAL FIREFirefighters to year-round permanent positions.This bipartisan legislation will fully staff all 356 CAL FIRE fire engines and all heli attack bases 365 days per year while keeping CAL FIRE wildfire vegetation management crews working for a full 12 months.
SB 36
(Senators Umberg and Smallwood-Cuevas)
Curb price-gouging by adding civil remedies andpenalties to protect victims displaced by a state orlocal emergency. Stronger enforcement ofprice-gouging for housing, lodging, or rentalviolations by authorizing Attorney General warrantauthority, and require online housing platformsto provide evidence of price-gouging to lawenforcement.
SB 610
Expand Protections For Residents In The Wake Of An Emergency
(Senators Pérez, Allen and Wahab)
Require the State to convene mortgage companiesto provide temporary mortgage loan forbearancerelief for homeowners. Allow tenants to recover aproportion of their paid rent if the tenancy agreementterminates due to a wildfire. Establish a temporaryrent control for mobilehomes in areas subject to astate of an emergency. Allow mobilehome ownersthe right to return to a unit after a wildfire, as specified.Extends court timelines for unlawful detainer casesin areas subject to a state of an emergency.
SB 663
Provide Property Tax Relief During A State Of Emergency
(Senators Allen and McNerney)
Ensure damaged or destroyed properties maintaintheir welfare property tax exemption.
Extend the timeline for a taxpayer to file amisfortune and calamity claim, which providesproperty tax relief.
SB 625
Speed-up Residential Rebuilds Following A State Of Emergency
(Senators Wahab and Richardson)
Require local governments to provide streamlined ministerial approval of housing developments damaged in a declared emergency.
SB 616
Insurance Community Hardening Commission
(Senators Rubio, Cortese and Stern)
Develop an Insurance Community Hardening Commission to create a consistent data-driven statewide minimum fire standards for mitigation across high fire risk communities. By centralizing these wildfire mitigations into one standard, it will make it easier for homeowners, developers, and builders to comply with all the mitigations, make it easier for homeowners to get insurance and make structures more wildfire safe.
SB 547
Commercial Insurance Nonrenewal Moratorium
(Senators Pérez and Rubio)
Expand the current one year insurance non-renewal moratorium for residential policies within the perimeters or adjoining ZIP Codes of wildfires to also include commercial policies, providing critical protection for small businesses and condominiums after wildfires.
SB 676
Extend California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Streamlining For La Fires & Other Disasters
(Senators Limón and Blakespear)
Extend the same CEQA streamlining already established on major infrastructure projects to projects rebuilding communities after disastrous LA wildfires. This could reduce months or years off any CEQA review that does apply to projects that may take months or years to be planned for and rebuilt. This will apply streamlining both prospectively and retroactively.
SB 582
Rebuilding Health Facilities, Assisted Living and Child Care Facilities and other licensed Facilities
(Senator Stern)
Establish licensing flexibilities for Nursing Homes and Assisted Living facilities that were destroyed or damaged in the LA fires, including expedited building permits and licensure approval and placement preference for those displaced to be near family or caregiver support.
SB 571
Strengthen Penalties Against Bad Actors During A State Of Emergency
(Senators Archuleta and Arreguín)
Increase penalties for impersonating firefighters and other first responders, and for looting in a fire evacuation area. Ensure that an aggravated arson sentencing enhancement attaches to damage amounts at the time of the crime.
SB 629
Keeping Communities Safe From Wildfires
(Senator Durazo)
Automatically designate areas that burn in a wildfire as within Very High Fire Zones.
Mandate annual inspection of properties subject to defensible space maintenance requirements.
SB 326
California Wildfire Mitigation Strategic Planning Act
(Senators Becker and Laird)
Require the Office of the State Fire Marshal to prepare a Wildfire Risk Mitigation Planning Framework every three years to quantitatively evaluate wildfire risk mitigation actions, establish a Wildfire Risk Baseline and Forecast every three years on a statewide level and by county, and submit a Wildfire Mitigation Scenarios Report every year.
SB 641
Consumer Protection And Business Recovery
(Senator Ashby)
Protect consumers by establishing timelines and certifications for appropriate debris removal and keep property owners and disaster area survivors safe from predatory practices by prohibiting a person from making an unsolicited purchase offer in a disaster area.
Protect licensed professionals by waiving various licensure requirements when impacted by a wildfire or natural disasters, including but not limited to continuing education, fees and renewal deadlines.
Budget Proposal
Fire Relief Aid For Displaced Persons
Establish a one-time disaster relief fund for families and individuals who are impacted by the fires but unable to obtain assistance from other funding streams, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Supporting Displaced Tk-12 Students
Provide average daily attendance funding to schools who lost students due to the wildfire disaster.
Provide disaster relief to basic aid school districts that are enrolling displaced students. This relief will ensure a quality education for students during a difficult, transitional period.
Support For Impacted California Community Colleges
Community colleges affected by wildfires may experience funding reductions due to declining enrollment. To ensure financial stability as these institutions recover, enrollment protections will be provided to maintain consistent funding.