Jerry Hill

Jerry Hill

Jerry Hill

State Legislators To Introduce Bill Prohibiting Electric Utilities Found At Fault In Wildfires From Pushing Costs Of Their Culpability Onto Customers

October 30, 2017

State Senator Jerry Hill, joined by Senators Mike McGuire and Scott Wiener and Assemblymembers Marc Levine and Jim Wood, will introduce legislation in January to prevent electric utilities found culpable in wildfires from passing the costs for claims not covered by insurance as well as fines or penalties onto customers.

Jerry Hill

Governor Signs Bill by Senator Hill to Cut Red Tape for Deployment of Driverless Vehicles in California

October 12, 2017

Governor Brown signed legislation today by Senator Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, to enable the safe and more timely deployment of driverless cars.

Jerry Hill

Governor Brown Signs Bill by Senator Hill to Ease the Cap on School Districts’ Reserve

October 11, 2017

Governor Brown signed legislation today by Senator Jerry Hill to ease restrictions on how much school districts can hold in their reserve funds as savings.

Jerry Hill

Governor Brown Signs Bill Authorizing Caltrain to Put a 1/8-Cent Sales Tax Before Voters to Fund Rail Service Improvements and Operations

October 10, 2017

Governor Brown signed legislation today that lays the groundwork for the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board, which oversees Caltrain, to put a one-eighth-cent sales tax measure before the voters of San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties to fund the rail service’s capital and operating costs.

Jerry Hill

Governor Sign Bill Enabling San Mateo County and 3 Special Districts to Potentially Reap Millions in Savings for Major Construction Projects

October 9, 2017

Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 793 by Senator Jerry Hill today, enabling San Mateo County to take advantage of a process that allows public entities to ensure the best value in construction project contracts – a move that would expedite the county’s five-year, $444-million capital improvement plan.

Jerry Hill

Senator Hill's Statement on Veto of Martins Beach Bill

October 8, 2017

“My goal with the legislation was to provide a quicker resolution to open the gate instead of waiting several more years for the landowner and his unlimited legal resources to appeal this all the way to the United States Supreme Court..."

Jerry Hill

Governor Signs Bill by Senator Hill Requiring Commercial Bus Drivers and Passengers to Buckle Up in Vehicles Equipped with Safety Belts

October 8, 2017

Governor Brown signed legislation by Senator Jerry Hill that requires the driver and passengers in commercial buses equipped with seat belts to wear the safety devices, making California is the first state to follow the National Transportation Safety Board’s 2015 recommendation that all states to put laws requiring seat belts on commercial buses to be worn by passengers as well as drivers.

Jerry Hill

Governor Brown Signs Legislation to Curb Abuse of the DMV’s Parking Placard and License Plate Program for Drivers with Disabilities

October 4, 2017

Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation by Senator Jerry Hill to help prevent abuse and tighten oversight of the DMV’s parking placard and license plate program for motorists with disabilities. “We must block scofflaws and fraudsters from gaming the DMV’s placard and license plate program for drivers with disabilities and ensure that the motorists who need this important program have access to its benefits,” said Senator Hill.

Jerry Hill

Senator Hill Announces Legislation To Provide Free Credit Freezes For Californians | Bill Will Be Introduced When the Legislature Convenes January 3

October 4, 2017

Senator Jerry Hill announced today that he will introduce consumer protection legislation to make it free for Californians to lock down their credit by placing a freeze with the nation’s credit reporting agencies.

Jerry Hill

Governor Signs Legislation by Senator Hill to Help Curb Wild Spikes in Winter Utility Bills

October 3, 2017

Governor Brown signed legislation by Senator Jerry Hill to address the wild fluctuations in energy bills experienced by many utility customers this past winter and help consumers better understand how their bills are calculated. “Californians should not have to fear what their next utility bill may be,” said Senator Hill, D-San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.