Caucus News

Senator Dave Cortese

Cortese's Bill to Create California Surplus Land Unit Signed Into Law

September 28, 2021

A bill authored by California State Senator Dave Cortese (D-San Jose) was signed into law today at a News Conference hosted by Governor Newsom. A recording of today’s conference can be found at this link.

Senator Susan Rubio

Governor Newsom Signs Rubio Bill Targeting Bias in Housing Practices

September 28, 2021

SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Gavin Newsom today signed a bill by Sen. Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) requiring real estate professionals to take implicit bias training as part of their licensing requirements.

Senator Maria Elena Durazo

SB 321, Senator Durazo’s Bill to Create Guidelines for Health & Safety for Domestic Workers, Signed by Governor Newsom

September 28, 2021

Governor Newsom has signed SB 321, the Health and Safety for All Workers Act, creating the first ever guidelines for health and safety for domestic workers in California.                        

Senator Maria Elena Durazo

Governor Newsom Signs Senator Durazo’s Bill SB 639 to Prohibit Paying Workers With Disabilities Less than the California Minimum Wage

September 27, 2021

Governor Newsom has signed State Senator María Elena Durazo’s (D-Los Angeles) SB 639 into law, which will phase out the use of the federal 14(c) certificate in California, and ultimately prohibit paying workers with disabilities less than the California minimum wage and transition workers with disabilities to competitive, integrated employment. California joins Alaska, Maryland, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Texas, in outlawing paying workers with disabilities a subminimum wage.

Senator Lena A. Gonzalez

Governor Newsom Signs Senator Lena Gonzalez’s SB 338 to Protect Port Truck Drivers

September 27, 2021

Sacramento, Calif. – On September 27, 2021, Governor Newsom signed into law Senator Lena A. Gonzalez’s (D-Long Beach) Senate Bill (SB) 338— legislation to protect essential port drayage truck drivers from employment misclassification and systemic abuses that result in wage theft and denying workers disability benefits, PPE, and health and safety protections.

Senator Maria Elena Durazo

Governor Newsom Signs SB 62, Senator Durazo’s Bill to Eliminate Piece Rate in Garment Industry and Hold Brands Accountable

September 27, 2021

In response to Governor Newsom signing SB 62, the Garment Worker Protection Act, Senator María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles), who authored the bill, issued the following statement: 

Senator Henry Stern

Stern Bills on Climate, Wildfire, Mental Health, Elder Care, Signed and Pending Before Governor

September 27, 2021

SACRAMENTO –  As the Legislature recessed for the remainder of the year, Senator Henry Stern (D-Los Angeles) was able to move bills to improve conditions for nursing home patients,  help those in need of mental health assistance, promote wildlife corridors, and tackle wildfire prevention, power shut offs, and oil pollution to the Governor’s desk.  To date, Governor Newsom has signed two of those bills regarding public safety power shutoff and electric grid resilience, and the Governor has until October 10, 2021, to sign, veto, or allow Stern’s other measures to become law w

Senator Lena A. Gonzalez

Bill by Senator Gonzalez to Keep Workers Safe on the Job Signed into Law

September 27, 2021

Sacramento, Calif. – On September 27, 2021 Senate Bill (SB) 606  by Senator Lena A. Gonzalez (D-Long Beach) was signed into law by Governor Newsom. The new law will keep workers safe on the job by allowing stronger enforcement measures to hold employers accountable for workplace health and safety violations.


Connie M. Leyva

Governor Signs Leyva Bill Strengthening State Enforcement of Wage Theft Violations in California

September 27, 2021

SACRAMENTO – Earlier today, Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 727, a measure authored and championed by Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino) to provide necessary enforcement tools to more effectively deter continued wage theft in the underground construction economy.

Connie M. Leyva

Leyva Bill Protecting Retirement Security for California’s Public Servants Signed Into Law

September 27, 2021

SACRAMENTO – After receiving strong bipartisan support in the Legislature, Governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation earlier today authored by Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino) that will protect a retiree’s promised and paid for collectively bargained benefits in cases where the benefit is reduced during retirement because of incorrectly reported information by the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) employer.