Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 31, 2018: Sen. Holly J. Mitchell’s bills to protect youth, fight sexual harassment go to Gov. Brown

August 31, 2018

Lawmakers endorse bills by budget chair from Los Angeles

SACRAMENTO – Continuing to reform criminal justice and protecting youth to help families and communities are among the proposals by Sen. Holly J. Mitchell that are now a governor’s signature away from becoming law.

Additional efforts by Mitchell focus on expanding worker training to prevent sexual harassment and providing women potentially life-saving information about their health. 

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 31, 2018: Plan to set age 12 as minimum for prosecution goes to governor

August 31, 2018

Senate passes #Equity&Justice-reform bill

SACRAMENTO – Lawmakers today sent Gov. Brown a plan to exclude children age 11 and younger from juvenile court jurisdiction to promote the rights, health and well-being of youth by curbing premature exposure to incarceration.

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 30, 2018: CULVER CITY CROSSROAD - State Senate Votes to End Sentencing of 14- and 15-year-olds in Adult Criminal Court

August 30, 2018

Link to complete, original story HERE:

he California Senate today approved Senate Bill 1391, which prohibits 14- and 15-year-olds from being tried as adults in criminal court and subsequently sent to adult prison.

SB 1391 is part of the #EquityAndJustice2018 package jointly authored by Senators Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and Holly Mitchell (D-Los Angeles).

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 30, 2018: Plan to set age 12 as minimum for prosecution approved by Assembly

August 30, 2018

Assembly passes #Equity&Justice-reform bill

SACRAMENTO – The California Assembly today approved a plan to exclude children age 11 and younger from juvenile court jurisdiction to promote the rights, health and well-being of youth by curbing premature exposure to incarceration.

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 30, 2018: Assembly OKs legislation to expand sexual harassment prevention training to workers statewide

August 30, 2018

Measure now returns to Senate for concurrence

Assembly OKs legislation to expand sexual harassment prevention training to workers statewide

SACRAMENTO – The California Assembly today on a bipartisan, 60-0 vote approved a plan to address the prevalence of workplace sexual harassment.

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 29, 2018: Assembly votes to end sentencing of 14- and 15-year-olds in adult criminal court

August 29, 2018

#EquityAndJustice bill returns to Senate for concurrence

SACRAMENTO – The California Assembly today approved Senate Bill 1391, which prohibits 14- and 15-year-olds from being tried as adults in criminal court and subsequently sent to adult prison.

SB 1391 is part of the #EquityAndJustice2018 package jointly authored by Senators Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens) and Holly J. Mitchell (D-Los Angeles).

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 29, 2018: Plan to improve foster-care placements goes to Gov. Brown after Legislature’s bipartisan vote

August 29, 2018

Lawmakers approve Sen. Holly J. Mitchell's family-protection bill addressing hardships   

SACRAMENTO – In a bipartisan vote welcomed by families statewide, the California Legislature today approved a plan to fix unintended delays and financial hardships in a new statewide program for placing individuals with foster caregivers.  

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 23, 2018: VIDEO - Sen. Holly J. Mitchell on Women's Equality Day

August 23, 2018

Sen. Holly J. Mitchell reflects on the significance Black women play in our collective right to vote in support of Women's Equality Day.

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 20, 2018: VIDEO - Sen. Holly J. Mitchell leads Senate tribute to retiring LAO Mac Taylor

August 20, 2018

Sen. Holly J. Mitchell led Senate Floor honors to honor retiring LAO Mac Taylor, who's retiring at the end of the December after a 40-year helping provide non-partisan analysis on budget issues. 

Holly J. Mitchell

Aug. 20, 2018:

August 20, 2018

Sen. Holly J. Mitchell led Senate Floor honors to honor retiring Mac Taylor, head of the Legislative Analyst's Office, who's retiring at the end of the December after a 40-year helping provide non-partisan analysis on budget issues.