Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Big Change for Team Mitchell

December 4, 2020

I am writing to you with a grateful heart. In November 2020, I was elected to the Board of Supervisors for Los Angeles County. This Sunday, I will transition from a California State Senator to a Los Angeles County Supervisor.

I want to thank each of my constituents for affording me the honor and opportunity to represent the beautifully diverse 30th Senate District.  It has been my pleasure to serve ten years in the California State Legislature, carrying 118 bills and authoring 90 state laws to create a California in which ALL children thrive.

Holly J. Mitchell

Hello Neighbor, What a year!

November 2, 2020

I hope this note finds you in good health. I know the COVID-19 pandemic and shelter in place orders have affected many of you in unprecedented ways. The same is true for the state. The current economic situation negatively influenced state revenue collections, and created challenges for the state to fund vital programs. The adversity we face collectively makes me work harder than ever. I am working with my colleagues to protect vital funding for vulnerable populations and to secure more federal aid to buffer the harm caused by the pandemic.

Holly J. Mitchell

Senate Leader Atkins, Senator Mitchell Praise $400 Million Allocation of COVID-19 Relief to Aid Californians

October 21, 2020

SACRAMENTO – With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to adversely impact Californians, Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) and Senator Holly J. Mitchell (D-Los Angeles) praised a collaborative solution reached by the Joint Legislative Budget Committee and the Governor’s Office to allocate $400 million in funding for Project Homekey and legislative COVID-19 priorities, including child care, food banks, and diaper banks.


Holly J. Mitchell

PRESS STATEMENT: SB1120 is a bridge too far

September 1, 2020

SACRAMENTO- SB 1120 (Atkins) would allow single-family zoned lots to subdivide a property. 

Holly J. Mitchell

New info to help you…rent relief in LA County!

August 14, 2020

Over the last five months, most of our lives have changed significantly. Some have lost jobs, access to food and the ability to learn in a classroom. My office is working day and night to help you navigate this challenging time and I wanted to make sure families and seniors get the information they need to thrive. Here is some information that can help alleviate your stress:

Holly J. Mitchell

Harris for VP…A Victory For Women

August 12, 2020




Harris for VP…A Victory For Women

Holly J. Mitchell

Free COVID Testing through July, RSVP today!

July 10, 2020

Para leer en español, presione aquí.

Click on the flyer for testing sign-up


Holly J. Mitchell

National CROWN Day, Ending Hair Discrimination for Good

July 3, 2020

CALIFORNIA- On July 3, 2019, the inaugural CROWN Act was signed into law in California, making it illegal to discriminate against natural hair and protective styles like braids, locs, twists and knots. Today, marks one year since California put an end to hair discrimination with the CROWN Act (Create a Respectful and Open Workplace for Natural Hair) authored by Senator Holly J. Mitchell. The signing of the CROWN Act sparked an international movement, with seven states following in suit and many others in the process of putting an end to hair discrimination.

Holly J. Mitchell

Senator Holly J. Mitchell blocked cuts to King Hospital, signed off by Governor

June 30, 2020


Sacramento- Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Budget Act of 2020.  This Budget is a joint effort from both houses and the Governor, taking into account the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on our current economy. With this challenge at hand, the official 2020-2021 Budget aims to get California on solid footing as the state enters difficult economic times, all while prioritizing values and the most vulnerable populations.


Holly J. Mitchell

CA State Senate Bends the Arc Towards Justice with Passage of ACA 5

June 24, 2020

CA State Senate Bends the Arc Towards Justice with Passage of ACA 5

SACRAMENTO- Today the CA State Senate passed ACA 5 to reverse 25 years of institutional and educational barriers resulting from the passage of Proposition 209. The collective actions against inequality and injustice that we’ve seen around the world represent an urgent call for systemic change. We must be affirmative in our actions we take to bend the arc towards justice. It’s time for a new generation of California’s voters to stand up and advance equity.