Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Budget Chair Sen. Holly J. Mitchell’s Statement on Budget Agreement

June 22, 2020

SACRAMENTO- “I would like to thank both the Administration and my colleagues in the legislature, as well as staff, for their hard work in crafting a balanced budget which addresses the short and long term needs of Californians amid a global pandemic. This budget continues to prioritize vulnerable populations from the brunt of the state’s economic problems while utilizing our resources to ensure that the rug is not pulled from underneath the people who are without.

Holly J. Mitchell

Sen. Holly Mitchell: Black Lives Matter Movement Will Create Change in US

June 17, 2020

By Charlotte Scott 

El Segundo- State Senator Holly Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, is a member of the California Legislative Black Caucus, which was established in 1918 when Frederick Madison Roberts became the first Black person to be elected to the State Assembly. Sen. Mitchell said she’s proud of the bill package the caucus is pushing forward right now.


Full article here

Holly J. Mitchell

California lawmakers pushing back on Gavin Newsom’s pandemic spending plans

May 22, 2020

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Gavin Newsom is facing growing resistance from the Legislature to his strategy for emergency spending on the coronavirus pandemic, just as he is seeking billions of dollars more to shore up the state’s response.

At an Assembly hearing Friday to review $4.4 billion in additional funding requests from the Newsom administration, lawmakers from both parties expressed frustration that the governor has largely sidelined the Legislature during the pandemic.

Holly J. Mitchell

EDD Tele-Town Hall in English, Spanish and Korean

June 5, 2020

Please click on the flyer to RSVP

Holly J. Mitchell

Free COVID Testing, RSVP today!

June 4, 2020

Para leer en español, presione aquí.

Click on the flyer for testing sign-up

Holly J. Mitchell

Sen. Holly J. Mitchell responds to LAPD Chief Moore’s remarks

June 2, 2020

Sen. Holly J. Mitchell responds to LAPD Chief Moore’s remarks

SACRAMENTO – Senator Holly J. Mitchell responds to LAPD Chief Michel Moore after his remarks relating the actions of protestors to the murder of George Floyd.

Holly J. Mitchell

Senator Holly J. Mitchell blocks cuts to King Hospital and other safety net programs

May 28, 2020


Senator Holly J. Mitchell blocks cuts to King Hospital and other safety net programs


Holly J. Mitchell

Senator Mitchell, BizFed and others donate 600 gowns to frontline workers

May 29, 2020


Senator Mitchell, BizFed and others donate 600 gowns to frontline workers


LOS ANGELES- Senator Mitchell teamed up with the Biz Fed Institute and others from the LA County delegation to start a campaign to collect Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) of all types and donate them to frontline essential workers. These donations are distributed to anyone on the frontline, nursing home employees, janitors and hospital staff.


“As these workers keep our community safe, we want to keep them safe!” said Sen. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Hello Neighbor, Let’s get counted!

May 22, 2020

Hope this email finds you well. Have you heard about the 2020 Census? I am sure by now you have received mail, phone calls or maybe passed by a billboard with information on the Census. Here is what you need to know, every 10 years, people across the country and in California fill out the Census in order to have an accurate count of all people in the United States. The Census determines California’s federal funding for important community services that help support our families and fair share of representation in California and D.C.

Holly J. Mitchell

Unemployment Resources during COVID-19

May 12, 2020

While the world is changing every day, the number of unemployed Californians has grown exponentially. If you have recently lost your job, hours reduced, or know someone who is experiencing unemployment, know you are not alone. The state and federal government is working overtime to gather resources to assist during this time of uncertainty. Here are some important programs that can help:

EDD-Unemployment Insurance Information: