Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

Holly J. Mitchell

May 4, 2017:Courage Campaign gives Sen. Holly J. Mitchell 100-percent score on votes reflecting constituent values

May 4, 2017

Progressive ‘People’s report card’ released

SACRAMENTO - The California-based Courage Campaign, in partnership with the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment Action, today announced giving Los Angeles Democrat Sen. Holly J. Mitchell a 100-percent, A-plus rating in its second annual People’s Report Card of California.

Holly J. Mitchell

May 3, 2017: Statewide health-advocacy groups presents Sen. Holly J. Mitchell with annual leadership award

May 3, 2017

SACRAMENTO -  A statewide health-advocacy group today presented Sen. Holly J. Mitchell with its annual leadership award during a ceremony on the Capitol's West steps.

Holly J. Mitchell

May 1, 2017: GUEST PRESS RELEASE - UC Berkeley School of Law: Report Finds California’s Juvenile System Fees Are Harmful, Unlawful, and Costly

May 1, 2017

UC Berkeley School of Law, 590 Simon Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720
T: 510.643.1076
May 1, 2017
CONTACT: Stephanie Campos-Bui, Clinical Supervising Attorney, Policy Advocacy Clinic, UC Berkeley School of Law
Office: (510) 643-4624, Email: scamposbui@law.berkeley.edu

UC Berkeley Policy Advocacy Clinic’s “Making Families Pay” Report Finds
California’s Juvenile System Fees Are Harmful, Unlawful, and Costly

Holly J. Mitchell

April 26, 2017: Sen. Holly J. Mitchell talks about the importance of Sexual Violence Awareness Month and Denim Day

April 26, 2017

SACRAMENTO -- Listen to Sen. Holly J. Mitchell talk about the importance of Sexual Violence Awareness Month and Denim Day by clicking on the link below. Watch Mitchell make a similar floor statement here: http://sd30.senate.ca.gov/news/press-releases/2017-04-24-april-24-2017-s...


Holly J. Mitchell

May 1, 2017: OP-ED - Sen. Holly Mitchell on anniversary of Rodney King verdict

May 1, 2017

Lack of basic necessities drove rebellion

By Sen. Holly J. Mitchell/Guest Columnist

In the language of my community, riots mean one thing, rebellion something else.

Holly J. Mitchell

April 28, 2017: Abortion is a constitutional right

April 27, 2017

LOS ANGELES (March 30, 2017) -- Watch and listen to a recap of a recent health forum hosted by Sens. Holly J. Mitchell and Ed Hernandez.


Holly J. Mitchell

April 27, 2017: Watch, listen to Sen. Mitchell, budget chair, ask: How do we get single-payer health care done?

April 27, 2017

SACRAMENTO (April 26, 2017) -- Watch, listen to Sen. Holly J. Mitchell, chair of the Senate Committee, talk about Senate Bill 562 before it was approved by the Senate Health Committee on a 5-2 vote.

Holly J. Mitchell

April 26, 2017: Learn from a single mom about how to help stop rape

April 26, 2017

SACRAMENTO -- Listen to Sen. Holly J. Mitchell talk about the importance of Sexual Violence Awareness Month and Denim Day by clicking on the link below. Watch Mitchell make a similar floor statement here: http://sd30.senate.ca.gov/news/press-releases/2017-04-24-april-24-2017-s...


Holly J. Mitchell

April 26, 2017: SENATE SPOTLIGHT - A pair of dollar-minded senators on plugging the cradle-to-prison pipeline

April 26, 2017

SACRAMENTO -- Sens. Ricardo Lara and Holly J. Mitchell, joint authors of a package of criminal justice-reform bills, answer asked tough questions while explaining the need for more rational thinking to save at-risk youths from the cradle-to-prison pipeline. Lara, D-Bell Gardens, chairs the Senate Appropriations Committee; Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, chairs the Senate Budget Committee.

Holly J. Mitchell

April 24, 2017: Here is why wearing jeans is no crime

April 24, 2017

SACRAMENTO (April 24, 2017) -- Sen. Holly J. Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, took to the Senate Floor today to talk about the need to support Senate Resolution 31, a measure that declares April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Wednesday, April 26, as Denim Day California.