Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Introduces SB 1190, the Forced Sterilization Compensation Act

March 26, 2018

Reflecting a recently released study in the American Journal of Public Health on the history of forced sterilizations in California and the disproportionate impact on women and Latinas, Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) has introduced legislation that would fund a state program to compensate survivors who were involuntarily sterilized during their institutionalization at a state mental hospital.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Introduces SB 1421 to Open Law Enforcement Records

April 2, 2018

This week, Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) introduced language for SB 1421 which will make law enforcement records related to officer use of force, or on the job sexual assault or dishonesty available to hiring agencies and the public.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Proactively Engages Law Enforcement and Business in Wake of Threatened ICE Sweeps

January 18, 2018

Oakland, California – State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) has announced today her office, in response to reports of increased immigration sweeps in the Bay Area, is proactively engaging law enforcement, local agencies and employers to underscore their responsibilities under new state law.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Holds Briefing with City Officials and Law Enforcement to Prepare for Possible Increase in ICE Raids

January 22, 2018

Oakland, California – In the wake of reports last week that federal Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) would potentially target Northern California and the Bay Area for deportation sweeps, State Senator Nancy Skinner met Monday morning with city administrators and representatives of law enforcement in her District for briefings on new state laws that bar local agencies and employers from voluntarily assisting ICE enforcement.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Issues Statement on Federal Subpoena, Funding Threats

January 25, 2018

The Office of State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) issued the following statement today regarding federal threats to potentially subpoena and/or cut funding for 23 jurisdictions, including several Bay Area cities and the State of California:

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Introduces “E-CAr” (SB 1014) to Shift Ride-Hailing to Zero-Emission Vehicles

February 6, 2018

This week, Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) introduced legislation to accelerate the uptake of EVs and other zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) deployed by ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft. Dubbed “E-CAr” (Electrify California Rideshare), Skinner’s legislation would set zero-emission targets for rides arranged through Transportation Network Companies (TNCs). To give a boost to TNC drivers who want to use California’s ZEV incentives, the bill would direct funds specifically for rebates for TNC drivers.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Senator Skinner Issues Statement on Alameda County Child Care and Early Education Initiative

February 6, 2018

The Office of State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) issued the following statement today regarding the Alameda County Board of Supervisor’s approval of the Alameda County Child Care and Early Education Ordinance and draft program plan:

Senator Nancy Skinner

Jobs Not Jails: Opportunity to Seal Juvenile Records Signed by Governor Brown

October 11, 2017

SACRAMENTO – Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 312, authored by State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley), that provides a pathway for individuals convicted of a crime before their 17th birthday to petition a court to have the record related to their youthful offense sealed.

“Every aspect of life is an obstacle if you have a record” stated Senator Skinner. “SB 312 establishes a fair system for past youthful offenders to clear their criminal records.”

Senator Nancy Skinner

Governor Signs Skinner’s Bill on PACE Clean Energy Financing: Landmark Consumer Protections Enacted

October 4, 2017

Sacramento, State Capitol – Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 242 authored by State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley) to strengthen consumer protections for California’s Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Governor Signs Skinner Bill Jumpstarting Zero-Emission Vehicles for California Fleets

October 10, 2017

Sacramento, State Capitol – Today, Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 498, authored by State Senator Nancy Skinner (D-Berkeley).

SB 498 is targeted at increasing the number of EVs and other zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) in public and private vehicle fleets. The bill builds on Governor Brown’s 2012 Executive Order that set a target of 1.5 million ZEVs on California’s roads by 2020.