Caucus News

Senator Bill Dodd

Sen. Dodd: Get Free Tax Help, Credits

February 22, 2022

SACRAMENTO – With this year’s April 18 tax filing deadline approaching, Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, reminds taxpayers of two key benefits they may take advantage of to ensure they get back any money they earned:

Richard Pan

Senator Dr. Richard Pan Introduces COVID-19 Testing Legislation to Keep Schools Open and Safe

February 22, 2022

SACRAMENTO – Today, State Senator Dr. Richard Pan introduced SB 1479, which would require every California school to develop a COVID-19 testing plan and would authorize additional resources to implement school testing plans, as a part of a broader legislative package to keep schools open and safe and protect public health.

Senator Anthony J. Portantino

Senator Anthony Portantino Honors Lila Ramirez as the 2022 25th District Woman of the Year

February 22, 2022

Glendale, CA - State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) honored long-time Glendale community leader, activist, and businesswoman Lila Ramirez as the 2022 Woman of the Year for the 25th District. 


Senator Dave Cortese

Cortese Advances Bill to Make Solar Energy Accessible to Underserved Communities

February 22, 2022

Senator Cortese (D-Silicon Valley) has introduced SB 1385, which aims to make solar energy more accessible for underserved communities. SB 1385 is sponsored by the State Association of Electrical Workers.

Sydney Kamlager

Release: Senator Kamlager Introduces Bill Package Centering on Economic Justice, Includes Gate Money Increase and Criminal Records Expungement

February 18, 2022

SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, Senator Sydney K. Kamlager (D - Los Angeles) introduced her legislative package for this 2022 legislative session. The robust package centers on economic justice in the fight for autonomy and safety. 

Senator Dave Cortese

Cortese’s Groundbreaking Low Carbon Construction Bill Aims for Climate Restoration

February 18, 2022

Senator Dave Cortese (D-Silicon Valley) has introduced SB 1297 to continue his innovative work on climate restoration.
Cortese is working with stakeholders from environmental justice groups, labor, and industry to craft a plan for California to not only adapt to, but to reverse climate change.
“It’s part of a movement to restore our climate,” says Senator Cortese.

Robert M. Hertzberg

Hertzberg Bill Creates Landmark Private Right of Action to Limit Spread of Illegal Weapons

February 18, 2022

Senate Majority Leader Emeritus Bob Hertzberg (D-Van Nuys) joined Governor Gavin Newsom to announce new legislation today that heeds the Governor’s call for a bill to limit the spread of dangerous assault weapons and ghost guns utilizing similar tactics to Texas’ recent abortion law.

Bob Wieckowski

Wieckowski introduces legislation to ban single-use 1-pound propane cylinders

February 18, 2022

SACRAMENTO — New legislation introduced by State Senator Bob Wieckowski (D-Fremont) would ban single-use 1-pound propane cylinders to transition California to reusable canisters that are better for consumers and the environment.

SB 1256 would take effect in January 2028 to give the industry ample time to move to refillable 1-pound cylinders.

Senator Bill Dodd

Sen. Dodd Recognizes Eating Disorder Awareness Week

February 18, 2022

SACRAMENTO – Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, announced a resolution today designating the week of Feb. 21 as Eating Disorder Awareness Week, bringing attention to a serious problem affecting 30 million Americans while underscoring the need for prevention.

Senator Nancy Skinner

Skinner Announces SB 1083, Helping Families Out of Homelessness

February 18, 2022

State Sen. Nancy Skinner, D-Berkeley, today announced the introduction of SB 1083, Helping Families Out of Homelessness. SB 1083 would nearly triple the amount of time that homeless families can live in temporary housing to help ensure they can find permanent housing and avoid the cycle of homelessness.

SB 1083 would also reform California law so that low-income families facing eviction can receive benefits more quickly and avoid becoming unsheltered. SB 1083 would also expand temporary housing benefits to low-income pregnant people.