Caucus News

Senator Dave Cortese

Cortese & Low Introduce Bill to Modernize the Brown Act

February 17, 2022

Senator Cortese, (D-Silicon Valley), and Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Silicon Valley) believe it’s time to modernize the Brown Act to meet the unique needs of our present day.
The Ralph M. Brown Act was originally enacted in 1953 to govern the conduct of public meetings for local legislative bodies, but many provisions in the Brown Act remain antiquated.

Senator Toni Atkins

Senate Leader Atkins Issues Statement on SCR 5 and the State of Emergency

February 17, 2022

SACRAMENTO – Senate President pro Tempore Toni G. Atkins (D-San Diego) released the following statement on a Senate hearing being set to debate the merits of a resolution to end California’s state of emergency:

Senator Richard D. Roth

Join us for our Mortgage Relief and Rental Assistance Virtual Town Hall

February 17, 2022

The California Rental Assistance and Mortgage Relief Programs are here: Join me, Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes, and  Assemblymember Jose Medina, for a robust discussion and presentation for by the California Mortgage Relief Program and our local partners Inland SoCal United Way for a Virtual Town Hall to learn how to apply for the support you need.

Senator Anthony J. Portantino

Senator Anthony Portantino Introduces Bill to Expand Health Care Coverage for Follow-up Mammograms

February 17, 2022

Sacramento, CA - State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D – La Cañada Flintridge) introduced Senate Bill 974, a measure that would expand health care coverage for diagnostic breast imaging following an abnormal mammography.  The idea for the bill was suggested by 25th District resident Gayaneh Pezeshkian Avanes.  The Senator, who is the father of two daughters, thought the idea had merit and the issue needed to be addressed.

Senator Benjamin Allen

Senator Allen Proposes Innovative Funding Program to Address Risks Related to Sea-Level Rise in Vulnerable Communities

February 17, 2022

Sacramento – The California Legislature will consider establishing an innovative program to help communities plan for and adapt to the long-term impacts of sea-level rise, Senator Ben Allen (D – Santa Monica) announced today. SB 1078 would create a revolving loan fund to offer low-interest, state-backed loans for local governments to buy threatened coastal property at a fair price. The measure will prioritize funding for under-resourced communities and those hardest-hit by climate change.

Senator Benjamin Allen

Senator Allen Proposes Innovative Funding Program to Address Risks Related to Sea-Level Rise in Vulnerable Communities

February 17, 2022

Sacramento – The California Legislature will consider establishing an innovative program to help communities plan for and adapt to the long-term impacts of sea-level rise, Senator Ben Allen (D – Santa Monica) announced today. SB 1078 would create a revolving loan fund to offer low-interest, state-backed loans for local governments to buy threatened coastal property at a fair price. The measure will prioritize funding for under-resourced communities and those hardest-hit by climate change.

Connie M. Leyva

Senator Leyva Introduces “Public Right to Know Act”

February 16, 2022

SACRAMENTO – To ensure that Californians have the information needed to help keep themselves and their families safe, Senator Connie M. Leyva (D-Chino) today introduced legislation that would protect the public’s right to know the facts about dangerous public hazards that are discovered during litigation.

Jointly sponsored by Consumer Reports and Public Justice, SB 1149 specifically seeks to do the following:

Senator Dave Cortese

Cortese’s Bill Would Help More Californians Save for Retirement

February 16, 2022

Senator Cortese, (D-Silicon Valley), Chair of the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee, has teamed up with California State Treasurer Fiona Ma to provide more Californians the opportunity to save for their retirement by expanding eligibility of the CalSavers program.

Senator Bill Dodd

Sen. Dodd Introduces Auto Liability Insurance Reform Bill

February 16, 2022

SACRAMENTO – Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, introduced legislation today to improve liability coverage for California motorists, protecting people injured in crashes as well those who might be exposed to paying higher medical and vehicle repair bills.

Senator Susan Rubio

Rubio Bill Helps Protect Victims of Revenge Porn

February 15, 2022

SACRAMENTO, CA – Sen. Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) today introduced a bill that strengthens protections for victims of revenge porn by including public displays of images that are posted without consent.